AFB plan review

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Gisborne Tairawhiti
why dont you just get on the phone so you can get it cleared up. Face to face is the best

Been at a conference. What did I miss?
Yes, phone calls are great. Are you under M for 'Morporks' or P for 'Porks' there Mor?

Know what you mean nobody taking the time and effort to understand the other points of view, which then just breaks down to childish game of who can get in the last word with the sharpest needle

Sack the lot of them I say

Nothing wrong with debating it. There's no point scoring - it really is trying to understand what the issues are. And I still don't get the reply to 'what are the specific governance issues'. Not what does google call governance or what are comments in this thread - what are the AFB PMP governance issues that have perceived faults.
Gisborne Tairawhiti
The change to a hive levy has been poorly thought though
Hive levy is hard and costly to police
The timing of the declaration of number of hives is crap and forces honest people to lie.

Some people may have got there honey off and wintered down and have a good handle on whats what.
Others are still getting the last of the years honey flow, still re queening etc and will not be able to give an accurate count for a little while yet

We should be going back to the apiary levy model
Even with the new levy, it was the beekeepers who advocated for the change back to hive levy . . .to discourage high numbers in single apiaries. I remember @Otto being particularly keen for the hive levy
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Hawkes Bay
Uniting the five lost tribes of the bee world.
Apis Doaswesayith
Apis Dontwanttoith
Apis Managmentitis
Apis Governmentitis Qualititis
Apis Unwashedith Maximis

To become
Apis mellifera Unitedith

Knock a few heads together, do a bit of gene splicing, hold a few hui and I reckon we would have it done in only two or three lifetimes.
Semi Commercial
Even with the new levy, it was the beekeepers who advocated for the change back to hive levy . . .to discourage high numbers in single apiaries. I remember @Otto being particularly keen for the hive levy
I sure was and still am.
The thing I really don't understand is the argument that this levy is somehow a large financial burden. When you look through all the income and expenditure of running a beekeeping business the levy really is a pretty trivial sum of money... and it is for something so very important.
Hawkes Bay
In these hard times any cost can be one cost too many. Is the levy good value for money, well for me it's just under $1000 and as far as I know the authority has never spent a cent checking any of my hives.
So far it sounds I am throwing my money away but then last spring I found seven AFB hives on four different occasions in the same apiary.
Seven hives even today is still a lot of money plus four trips to pick them up plus digging four holes and supervising four fires.
All those costs are mine and still no benefit from paying a levy.
I don't see many benefits of paying the levy because most of those benefits happen out of my sight.
I won't see the AP1 issuing an inspection notice for neighbouring apiarys after I reported my AFB find.
I won't see the AP2 inspecting a neighbouring apiary and finding robbed out AFB hives.
I won't see the massive amount of work they did checking that beekeepers other hives and sorting out a huge mess.
And hopefully I won't see any more AFB from that particular source.

I do see the benefit of paying the levy. It's not what it cost you, it's what it doesn't cost you that is the real benefit.
Yes, I think that would refer to all of us, all the 'ordinary' people. Wouldn't be an easy task to unite the great unwashed beekeepers!
Well of course , Rotorua is a great venue as they have any amount of Bath Houses... perhaps a meeting in the bath house should have been arranged at conference. ......Karen, Jane, Clifton, for one more small person .....MPI perhaps .
Hats left at the door, cozzies optional, because as we all know, we are all pretty similar with a shared dream.


New Zealand
I sure was and still am.
The thing I really don't understand is the argument that this levy is somehow a large financial burden. When you look through all the income and expenditure of running a beekeeping business the levy really is a pretty trivial sum of money... and it is for something so very important.
When taken on its own it may not be large
But when you but together with poor honey prices if you can sell it, its not much of a income
Increase in MPI residue testing costs ($1500)
RMP fee cant remember what it is
2 x RMP audits costing ($4000)
Electronic Declaration costs (say 500)
Extra weeks sick pay
Extra public holiday
ACC fees ($3000 )
AFB PMP levy ($1000 plus)
Varroa strip costs (5000)
Lab testing cost (skys the limit)
Insurance cost ($5000 plus)
Fuel $10 000
and so on
Most of these costs a business has no control over.

Wages 60K per person
I person per 500 hives I am told

30 000kgs honey @ $4 is 120 000

There is not a lot of money in basic beekeeping.
Please take time to understand the costs before thinking the AFB levy is a trivial amount.
Gisborne Tairawhiti
Interesting cost breakdown Stephen. And when you break it down like that - then @Otto is bang on. It’s trivial in the scheme of things you have laid out in excellent detail.
Does this mean that the levy is too high? Previously the agency just broke even. We would still have Apiweb and contracted services. I’d wager the complaints would be longer, louder and higher than any currently.
Semi Commercial
I run a beekeeping business. I am well aware of costs and for my business i consider the levy cost to be pretty minor. Like John B I don't necessarily see much for what I spend on the levy but I believe in what the plan is trying to achieve and consider it money well spent. Thankfully I have more than just bulk honey sales on the income side of my ledger...
When taken on its own it may not be large
But when you but together with poor honey prices if you can sell it, its not much of a income
Increase in MPI residue testing costs ($1500)
RMP fee cant remember what it is
2 x RMP audits costing ($4000)
Electronic Declaration costs (say 500)
Extra weeks sick pay
Extra public holiday
ACC fees ($3000 )
AFB PMP levy ($1000 plus)
Varroa strip costs (5000)
Lab testing cost (skys the limit)
Insurance cost ($5000 plus)
Fuel $10 000
and so on
Most of these costs a business has no control over.

Wages 60K per person
I person per 500 hives I am told

30 000kgs honey @ $4 is 120 000

There is not a lot of money in basic beekeeping.
Please take time to understand the costs before thinking the AFB levy is a trivial amount.
You missed out the sub for wednesday golf.
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