NZBF: Bee pooing and feeding syr

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Palmerston north
Hi team
Just new to the bee keeping gig. I am doing a course in Palmerston North but have a couple of questions.
1. I have a NUC box in the back yard which is down the back of my domestic section. I have noticed that and I will provide pictures that the bees on their flight path are excreting on our and neighbours vehicles. The wife is not impressed I have a potential farm I can move them too but it is 10km away. If I close the entrance to the NUC can I move it away. Unless any other thoughts? Have a pic of vehicles.

2. I inspected the NUC box today I want to feed the bees some syrup. I have a frame feeder but ther is no room in the NUC box. See photos. I assume I remove one frame shake bees off and put syrup in feeder and insert in the NUC. Sorry for basic question. Does the frames look ok also.
Ps the bees have been in the NUC at my house for 6 days.

pss need help a new bee


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Founder Member
Semi Commercial
Yes that is quite a bad pooping situation, your neighbours are unlikely to live with that on a permanent basis. Are the cars parked at a lower level than where the hive is? If so that is the likely flight path the bees will take. If you have a lower spot on your section try putting the nuc there, maybe they will take a different flight path.

Re moving the nuc to your other property, you just close the door in the evening or early morning when all the bees are inside, move the nuc to the new location and open the door, simple as that. Do not leave them blocked in any longer than necessary as they can suffocate. Block them in, move them, and open the door, all as quickly as possible.

And re feeding, that looks like a 2 frame feeder so you would have to remove 2 frames to get it in the nuc which would not be ideal for them. Could do it if you have to, but a better plan would be move the nuc into a full sized hive (which you will need to do pretty soon anyhow), and then feed them.

Re the comb with the extra comb to the side of it, that "burr comb" as it is called, should be removed, preferably soon before they start using it and wasting resources. Then put that side of the frame hard up against a fully built comb so there is not room for bees to do it again, but will instead build out their comb from the comb foundation.
Palmerston north
Yes that is quite a bad pooping situation, your neighbours are unlikely to live with that on a permanent basis. Are the cars parked at a lower level than where the hive is? If so that is the likely flight path the bees will take. If you have a lower spot on your section try putting the nuc there, maybe they will take a different flight path.

Re moving the nuc to your other property, you just close the door in the evening or early morning when all the bees are inside, move the nuc to the new location and open the door, simple as that. Do not leave them blocked in any longer than necessary as they can suffocate. Block them in, move them, and open the door, all as quickly as possible.

And re feeding, that looks like a 2 frame feeder so you would have to remove 2 frames to get it in the nuc which would not be ideal for them. Could do it if you have to, but a better plan would be move the nuc into a full sized hive (which you will need to do pretty soon anyhow), and then feed them.

Re the comb with the extra comb to the side of it, that "burr comb" as it is called, should be removed, preferably soon before they start using it and wasting resources. Then put that side of the frame hard up against a fully built comb so there is not room for bees to do it again, but will instead build out their comb from the comb foundation.
Thanks for the great help
