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Document: Control of Varroa: A Guide for New Zealand Beekeepers version 1.0

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Control of Varroa: A Guide for New Zealand Beekeepers has been published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry as part of its on going assistance to the New Zealand beekeeping industry following the recent discovery of this important new honey bee pest. The guide aims to give beekeepers the practical tools they will need to minimise the effects of varroa while continuing to produce wholesome bee products and provide vital pollination services. The guide reviews the world literature on varroa control and puts the information in a straightforward, easy-to-reference form that will be useful to all beekeepers, whether they are hobbyists, or commercial producers. With 7 diagrams and 24 colour plates. Mark Goodwin is a senior scientist at the Horticulture and Food Research Institute (HortResearch), and is playing a leading role in New Zealand’s research efforts in varroa control. Cliff Van Eaton is also an apiculture scientist at HortResearch, and is a long-time advisor to New Zealand beekeepers. Together they have also written Elimination of American foulbrood without the use of drugs, published by the National Beekeepers’ Association of New Zealand in 1999. © New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry ISBN 0-478-07958-3
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Well written historical document..... it’s now 20yrs old and talks about surveillance for if/when varroa arrives in your apiary. And MAF doesn’t exist anymore...
