Beehome - autonomous, solar-powered beehive

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Beehome, the world's first smarthome for bees has landed in California. Produced by Beewise, the total redesign of the 150-year-old beehive features an autonomous beekeeping robot that acts as medic and guardian to complement the natural intelligence of bees making it the first at-scale solution for saving the global bee population, averting a major challenge to sustainability.
Beehome is an autonomous, solar-powered beehive that harnesses innovations in artificial intelligence, machine learning and precision robotics. It uses big data to rescue very small tenants: up to 80% of bees that would have perished are rescued on an ongoing basis.



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I'm not sure I understand their intended market. If commercial that's a lot to me moving around to chase the flow or pollination and it will need power and wifi.

24 colonies is a bit high for hobby beekeepers in one location at 400 a month
I'm not sure I understand their intended market. If commercial that's a lot to me moving around to chase the flow or pollination and it will need power and wifi.

24 colonies is a bit high for hobby beekeepers in one location at 400 a month
rich mans toy. a few hives to play with while pretending to save the planet.
